lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

A la vuelta de la esquina

Parece gracioso, el sentarse y ver a la gente pasar, a los niños reír mientras juegan en los columpios, y a los padres y madres enfadándose porque el niño se ha manchado la ropa cuando se ha caído al suelo. Escenas cómicas de una vida cotidiana. Sabes que poco a poco esos niños crecerán y podrán ser (en su mayoría), lo que deseen. Podrán equivocarse miles de veces hasta que aprendan a hacer las cosas, podrán vivir miles de aventuras hasta que tengan que sentar la cabeza, y aún después de eso podrán, si son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para no meterse en las metas.
Posiblemente llegue el día en el que el niño decida su futuro y por una casualidad decida ser médico, no porque ganen un pastón, sino porque de verdad disfruta con ello. Quizá puedan descubrir esa felicidad a través de hacer lo que de verdad les apasiona, sin que nada les ate, sin que nada se lo impida.

Sea quien sea, el que esté allá arriba...por favor que les ayude, porque como están las cosas sólo se hundirán más

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

shooting star

I just went trying to figure out what was going on with my life. What i could do with all that freaky things that were inside my brain like as insects. No catches my eye live as I lived, as if I were a lifeless, heartless, soulless, without living to enjoy ...
Things change, depending always on the mirror you use to watch them. But never, ever felt like when I land at yangong and saw all these people working because they needed it. Not to get more, not thinking about the money,dont be fools and we all know they did it for the money, but not in the way that Westerners do, they wanted to eat. And dont eat in a house of one hundred and fifty square meters,but on the street, with filth and garbage around. One thing not recommended for viewing, but after all, necessary to realize what we have and where we live. If there is one thing you should remember from this is that we are not heroes, although we believe it.
The character of these people makes you blood boil, because you'll never find such displays of affection, friendship, love, forgiveness, understanding, help and heart.
But we are Westerners, and therefore tourists. All this may sound silly to us, or this may all be a nice way to see and be a nonsense.
however, I am the one who tells the story and with the permission of the readers, I´ll write exactly what I think is noteworthy.I have visited many places over the years and I could live with different cultures. But none like the Buddhist, nowadays everyone is fighting in Christianity or Islam, not for me to judge what should be done, but does not benefit anyone. I am an inhabitant of the world, although sometimes I´m not proud.And as one of them, I am outraged by the tyranny, and put forward the reason and forgiveness of who is out there and can hear me, to fight for life, for making our society, a society with principles. When that day comes our ancestors´ll look down on us and congratulate and feal pride for once.

At end, let me be like little children and pray for a shooting star across the sky.....and ask for....